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- Inter Insular #63 2014
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- Inter Insular #67 2019
- Inter Insular 2021
- Inter Insular #3 T20 2022
- Inter Insular #68 2022
- Inter Insular #4 T20 2023
- Inter Insular #69 2023
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- Women Inter Insular T20 2022
- Women Inter Insular T20 2023
- Inter Insular #5 T20 2024
- Women Int Ins T20 2024
- Inter Insular #70 2024
- Inter Insular Series Start
- Inter Insular #1 1950
- Inter Insular #2 1951
- Inter Insular 1952
- Inter Insular #3 1953
- Inter Insular #4 1954
- Inter Insular #5 1955
- Inter Insular 1956
- Inter Insular #6 1957
- Inter Insular #7 1958
- Inter Insular #8 1959
- Inter Insular #9 1960
- Inter Insular #10 1961
- Inter Insular #11 1962
- Inter Insular #12 1963
- Inter Insular #13 1964
- Inter Insular #14 1965
- Inter Insular #15 1966
- Inter Insular #16 1967
- Inter Insular #17 1968
- Inter Insular #18 1969
- Inter Insular #19 1970
- Inter Insular #20 1971
- Inter Insular #21 1972
- Inter Insular #22 1973
- Inter Insular #23 1974
- Inter Insular #24 1975
- Inter Insular #25 1976
- Inter Insular #26 1977
- Inter Insular #27 1978
- Inter Insular #28 1979
- Inter Insular #29 1980
- Inter Insular #30 1981
- Inter Insular #31 1982
- Inter Insular #32 1983
- Inter Insular #33 1984
- Inter Insular #34 1985
- Inter Insular #35 1986
- Inter Insular #36 1987
- Inter Insular #37 1988
- Inter Insular #38 1989
- Inter Insular #39 1990
- Inter Insular #40 1991
- Inter Insular #41 1992
- Inter Insular #42 1993
- Inter Insular #43 1994
- Inter Insular #44 1995
- Inter Insular #45 1996
- Inter Insular #46 1997
- Inter Insular #47 1998
- Inter Insular #48 1999
- Inter Insular #49 2000
- Inter Insular #50 2001
- Inter Insular #51 2002
- Inter Insular #52 2003
- Inter Insular #53 2004
- Inter Insular #54 2005
- Inter Insular #55 2006
- Inter Insular #56 2007
- Inter Insular #57 2008
- Inter Insular #58 2009
- Inter Insular #59 2010
- Inter Insular #60 2011
- Inter Insular #61 2012
- Inter Insular #62 2013
- ICC Europe
- Europe T20 Div 1 Sussex 2013
- ICC Europe Division 2 Scotland 2006
- ICC Europe Division 2 Guernsey 2010
- ICC Europe T20 Division 1 Guernsey/Jersey 2011
- ICC Europe Division 2 Guernsey 2008
- ICC Europe T20 Division 1 Jersey 2015
- ICC Europe Div 1 Netherlands 2018
- ICC World T20 European Finals 2019
- Europe T20 Finland 2020/2021
- Europe T20 Finland 2022
- Women International T20 Austria 2023
- European T10 Championship 2023
- Guernsey European Qualifier Group C – 2024
- Women International T20 Isle of Man 2024
- Other International T20 – Men – Germany 2023
- Other International T20 – Men – Belgium 2024
- Women International T20 Nordic Cup 2024
- European T10 Championship 2024
- World Cup T20 European Qualifier Netherlands 2025
- ICC World
- ICC World Cricket League Division 7 Guernsey 2009
- ICC World Cricket League Division 5 Malaysia 2014
- ICC World Cricket League Division 5 Singapore 2012
- ICC World Cricket League Division 6 Malaysia 2011
- ICC World Cricket League Division 6 Singapore 2006
- ICC World Cricket League Div 6 Essex 2015
- ICC World Cricket League Div 5 Jersey 2016
- ICC World Cricket League Div 5 South Africa 2017
- Guernsey Cricket Statistics
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- Miscellaneous Articles
- Philip Sarre
- Jeremy Frith
- Mick (Tico) Mechem
- Micky Fooks
- The 4 teachers
- Andy Cornford
- Nic Pothas
- Charles Grieve
- GH Smit
- Jamie Nussbaumer
- Tim Ravenscroft
- David Nussbaumer
- ABanerjee
- Lee Savident
- Stuart Le Prevost
- Robert Osborne-Smith
- David Piesing
- Alan Bisson
- Capt Le Prevost stands down
- GJ Rich
- Tony Taylor
- Warren Barrett
- Pierre Le Cocq
- Ricky Mills
- Mike Webber
- Robin Roussel
- Ian Damarell
- Pete Vidamour
- Glenn Milnes
- Alan Lewis
- Miles Dobson
- Keith Howick
- REH Anthony
- SBR Mackay
- Best Teams
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- Ashley Wright
- Matt Stokes
- Will Fazakerley
- Vernon Collenette
- Benches for KGV
- Albert Geary
- Roger Self
- Great Elizabethans
- Cricketer Dec 2018 Guernsey v Jersey
- CJH Rawlinson
- Ernest Henry Charles Yates
- Bill Robilliard
- Vince Chapell
- Ben Ferbrache
- Tom Veillard 5 card trick
- George Bailey
- Ralph Anthony
- Guernsey Sports Top 100
- Elizabeth College Pavilion
- Guernsey’s three cricket grounds
- King George V Developments
- Guernsey Cricket 1869-1900
- A C K Day
- Eliz Coll cricketers who died in WW2
- Eric Waldron
- C J Burley
- Team of the Decade 2019
- CI Sports Awards 2019
- Elizabeth College take on the world
- Three days of Glory
- Jersey – don’t bother
- All England v Channel Islands 1866
- C Gervaise-Brazier
- Mike Kinder
- Rob Batiste favourite cricketers
- Mike Kinder best EC XI
- Top centuries at Elizabeth College Field
- GICC centenary 1923-2023
- Development of KGV, Guernsey
- Andy Creed
- Ted Enevoldsen
- Mark Latter CEO to GCB
- Rob Batiste
- College Field Pavilion 100 years old
- Charles Carteret Corfe
- Andy Biggins
- Inter Insular Statistics Batting
- ICC Europe Statistics ODI Catches/Stump
- Inter Insular Statistics Bowling
- Inter Insular Statistics Catches/ Stumpings
- Inter Insular Statistics Appearances
- Inter Insular Statistics Combined
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- ICC Europe ODI Statistics Combined
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- ICC Europe Statistics T20 Catches/Stump
- ICC Europe Statistics T20 Appearances
- ICC Europe T20 Statistics Combined
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- Jersey Int Ins Statistics Batting
- Jersey Int Ins Statistics Bowling
- Jersey Int Ins Statistics Catches/Stump
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- Jersey Int Ins Statistics Combined
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- Jersey Int Ins T20 Bowling
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Time-line of important milestones in the Guernsey/Jersey Inter-Insular matches
Longer format
1950 First Inter-Insular match played at Elizabeth College
1951 First match at Victoria College
1952 Jersey failed to turn up for match
1953 Highest aggregate of 492 runs scored in 113.1 overs
1956 Jersey failed to select a side for the match
1959 R F B O’Callaghan (Bush) scored 105
1960 D Le Marquand becomes 50th player to appear for Jersey. Guernsey award caps for first time
1961 P Le Cocq becomes 50th player to appear for Guernsey
1962 Stan Cleal scores 103
1966 First sponsorship – Players Gold Leaf Trophy
1969 Guernsey dismissed for 47
1974 Guernsey won by 10 wickets
1976 J Holmes becomes 100th player for Jersey, R Mills and W Barrett put on record 151 for 3rd wicket
1978 Sponsor changed to Haig Scotch Whisky, limited over matches and man-of-the-match introduced
1980 First match at Grainville, Jersey dismissed for their lowest score of 96
1981 K Clark becomes 100th player for Guernsey
1989 Sponsor now Carlsberg Lager, Stuart MacKay scores 100*
1990 Warren Barrett plays in record 23rd match and achieves highest aggregate with 523 runs
1991 Barry Middleton plays last match having claimed a record 51 wickets
1993 Chris Searson claims 9 wickets for 46, M Smith becomes 150th player to appear for Jersey
1994 Tetley Bitter become sponsors
1997 First match at KGV
1998 Flemings now sponsors, Ralph Anthony plays in his 23rd consecutive match
2001 Jersey won for 10th consecutive time
2002 Deutsche Bank sponsor for one year
2003 Cherry Godfrey take over as sponsor, T Duke becomes 150th player for Guernsey
2004 Bowlers limited to 10 overs
2005 Jersey and Guernsey become Affiliate members of ICC, Guernsey score a record 284, highest aggregate of 479 runs scored in 93.2 overs since limited overs
2006 HSBC become sponsors
2007 Jersey gain Associate status with ICC
2008 Guernsey gain Associate status with ICC
2009 Lee Savident scores 102*
2010 Marlborough latest sponsors and coloured clothing first introduced
2011 Jeremy Frith scores 129
2012 Jersey won by 9 wickets. Guernsey total 10 000 runs in Inter Insular matches
2013 Jersey total 10 000 runs in Inter-Insular matches
2014 NatWest sponsor. First game at Farmers Field
2015 Odey Wealth sponsor. First game at Port Soif. E Miles becomes 200th player for Jersey. 50th year of sponsorship
2016 No sponsor (Jersey responsibility). P Gough became captain of Jersey most times. P Gough became 1st player on either side to score 3 consecutive half centuries (2014-2016)
2017 Odey Wealth sponsor. C Perchard captain of Jersey for first time. M Stokes and O Newey set new Guernsey partnership record for 2nd wicket of 103 after 44 years.
2018 No longer form Inter Insular
2019 D/L/S implemented after rain between innings. C Bisson and N Greenwood set new partnership record for 4th wicket of 75. O Newey captain for first time
2020 and 2021 No matches due to Covid restrictions
2022 First match in which Guernsey conceded no extras. Brooks Macdonald new sponsor. J Butler captain for first time.
2023 M Stokes new Guernsey captain. Record score by Jersey of 316, record 5th wicket partnership of 208, record win by Jersey. J Jenner second player to score a century for Jersey. Guernsey take 500th Jersey wicket and first time no catches taken by Guernsey in 69 inter insular matches.
2024 O Nightingale new Guernsey captain
2018 Infra Tech sponsor for first time. Games played in Jersey. J Butler captain of Guernsey for first time. New format of three T20 games to form part of both countries preparation for the European T20 qualifiers to be played in the Netherlands later in the month.
2019 Games played in Guernsey. First match involved ‘super over’ after the scores finished level at 128. Jersey won by 15 runs to 14
2020 and 2021 No matches due to Covid restrictions
2022 kiya.ai sponsor for first time for T20
2023 Matt Stokes captain of Guernsey for second match, 3rd match rained off.
2024 Ollie Nightingale captain of Guernsey. Matches played on artificial surface as Guernsey playing European tournament on similar in August. J Jenner captain for first time. First win for Guernsey in 14 matches. In 2nd game Guernsey had no-one bowled out of all 10 wickets to fall. Jersey had no-one bowled in all three matches.