Inter InsularĀ  Wicket partnerships

Partnerships in Inter-Insulars       
1st104*1974A Taylor and A Lewis1221992S Blampied and S Carlyon
2nd1032017M Stokes and O Newey1232012N Watkins and B Stevens
3rd1511976W Barrett and R Mills1321996T Carlyon and W Jenner
4th1412011J Frith and S Le Prevost752019C Bisson and N Greenwood
5th1221953H Stone and W Druce208*2023J Jenner and Z Tribe
6th911996G Tapp and G Kimber86*1978D Breed and M Weaver
7th581968P Le Cocq and B Hill732001D Gorman and C Douglas
8th721987A Tapp and I Damarell771966R Pearce and D Billingham
9th571959J Tranter and C Eley232006T Minty and D Morfee
10th301954J Brache and V Chapell351969R Howeson and B Thorp

Partnerships in Inter-Insulars       
Int Ins T20
1st702022Z Damarell and L Le Tissier1062023H Carlyon and NC Brennan
2nd432023B Fitchet and T Nightingale892024H Carlyon and J Jenner
3rd632019M Stokes and J Butler852022A Tribe and J Jenner
4th652024Z Damarell and M Stokes622022J Jenner and C Bisson
5th422018T Nightingale and M Stokes84*2022D Blampied and J Sumerauer
6th592018B Ferbrache and L Le Tissier382018J Jenner and J Sumerauer
7th192024B Ferbrache and O Nightingale49*2023H Carlyon and D Blampied
8th362019A Stokes and D Hooper242019A Hawkins-Kay and C Perchard
9th242019W Peatfield and A Stokes23*2018B Kynman and C Perchard
10th152018A Stokes and D HooperxNo partnerships