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ICC Europe T20 Division 1 Guernsey/Jersey 2011
Guernsey v Norway
Played at King George V playing field on 19th July 2011 in European Division 1
Guernsey Won by 10 wickets
Toss won by Guernsey who elected to field
Umpires AJT Dowdalls (Scotland) and K Smith (Ireland), 3rd umpire A Bisson
Scorers S Veillard (Guernsey) and Saifar Bashir (Norway)
Norway innings Runs Balls Dot Mins 4s 6s SR Guernsey bowling Ov Mdn Runs Wkts W Nb SR ER Dot
Zaheer Ashiq b Nussbaumer 3 18 0 0 16.7 Duke 3 0 10 0 7 - 3.3 16
Shahbaz Butt b Nussbaumer 4 6 1 0 66.7 Nussbaumer 3.2 1 7 3 1 - 6 2.2 17
Ali Saleem st Kimber b Frith 10 19 1 0 52.6 Rich 4 0 9 2 1 - 12 2.3 18
*Zeeshan Ali b Nussbaumer 0 2 0 0 0.0 Frith 4 0 15 3 2 - 8 3.8 15
Mofassar Saeed lbw b Frith 0 8 0 0 0.0 Ravenscroft 2 0 11 1 - - 12 5.5 6
Iftikhar Hussain c Moherndl b Rich 1 5 0 0 20.0 Bisson 1 0 4 0 - - 4.0 2
Babar Shazad c Kimber b Rich 4 9 0 0 44.4
Waheed Aamir not out 11 20 0 0 55.0
Faisal Quereshi st Kimber b Frith 0 3 0 0 0.0
M Rashid c Frith b Ravenscroft 5 6 0 0 83.3
Waseem Gill run out Ravenscroft 5 8 0 0 62.5
Extras (b0, lb1, w13, nb0) 14
Total (in 17.2 overs) 57
Fall of wickets
1-11(Shahbaz Butt),2-16(Zaheer Ashiq),3-16(Zeeshan Ali),4-20(Mofassar Saeed),5-21(Iftikhar Hussain),6-29(Ali Saleem),7-36(Babar Shazad),8-40(Faisal Quereshi),9-45(M Rashid),10-57(Waseem Gill)
Guernsey innings Runs Balls Dot Mins 4s 6s SR Norway bowling Ov Mdn Runs Wkts W Nb SR ER Dot
T J Ravenscroft not out 31 21 10 6 0 147.6 Waseem Gill 1 0 12 0 - - 12.0
R Kneller not out 25 22 14 5 0 113.6 Shahbaz Butt 3 0 21 0 1 - 7.0
*S E Le Prevost dnb Waheed Aamir 2 1 15 0 1 - 7.5
T Duke dnb Faisal Quereshi 1.1 0 11 0 1 - 10.0
J D J Frith dnb
T C R Kimber dnb
K B Moherndl dnb
J A J Nussbaumer dnb
G H Smit dnb
G J Rich dnb
S R M Bisson dnb
Extras (b0, lb1, w3, nb0) 4
Total (for 0 wkts in 7.1 overs) 60
Fall of wickets
‘Norway blown away by Nussbaumer’s pace’ by Gareth Le Prevost
Guernsey could hardly have got their ICC European Division One T20 Championship campaign off to a more emphatic start yesterday. Norway were dispatched by 10 wickets with 12.5 overs to spare at the KGV in a match that took under two hours to complete, including the full 20·minute interval between innings.
While the home side’s performance was not faultless, it showed just why this group of players are confident in their ability to progress at least to the semi-finals by finishing in the top two of their group. However, the day began with a blow being dealt to the hosts as Lee Savident was forced to withdraw from the opening match due to illness. The former Hampshire professional was able to watch his teammates in the field after captain Stuart Le Prevost had won the toss and inserted the opposition, but by the time Guernsey went out to bat, Savident had made his way home to bed. On this occasion, the Greens made light of his absence with a fine team display in which the bowlers skittled out the opposition before openers Tim Ravenscroft and Ross Kneller eased their side home with plenty to spare. It was Jamie Nussbaumer, though, who was the star as he ripped through the Norwegian top order. From his first delivery it was obvious that the Cobo man’s pace was going to cause them problems and he should have had dangerman Zaheer Ashiq in his opening over, but Gary Rich put down the chance on the edge of the circle at mid on. Nussbaumer did not have long to wait, though, before he claimed his first wicket as he sent Muhammad Shahbaz Butt’s off-stump cartwheeling in the fourth over of the innings.
Jamie Nussbaumer ICC/CricketEurope
With the first ball of his third over, Nussbaumer claimed the scalp he wanted as Ashi had his off peg knocked back and a couple of balls later he got one through Muhammed Zeeshan Ali to reduce Norway to 16 for three.
There was to be no recovery from that blitz. The introduction of spin after the powerplay had finished soon reaped dividends as Jeremy Frith trapped Mofassar Saeed leg before and then Gary Rich enticed Iftikhar Hussain into going for a big heave and Kris Moherndl clasped the steepler at long on. It briefly turned into the Tom Kimber show as Norway continued to struggle. The Guernsey wicketkeeper affected two superb stumpings off leg-side wides from Frith – the first as sharp as you like, the second a brilliant take on the half-volley – which sandwiched a catch standing up off Rich. When Frith held on to another skyer at deep mid-wicket, this time off Ravenscroft to dismiss Moosa Rashid, Norway were 45 for nine with more than five overs of their innings remaining. The last-wicket pair of Waheed Aamir and Mahammed Waseem Gill tried to hang around as best they could, managing to compile the highest partnership of the innings worth a mere 12, but when there was a mix-up in the running, Ravenscroft had time to gather the ball at extra cover and run to the stumps and dislodge the bails himself to end the innings – 57 all out.
Tom Kimber celebrates the run out to finish the Norway innings ICC/CricketEurope
The young Hampshire player then got to work immediately with the bat as he and Kneller took it upon themselves to see their side home without any hiccups.
Tim Ravenscroft ICC/CricketEurope
Ravenscroft dispatched the first ball of the innings to the mid-wicket boundary and he had added a couple more before the opening over was out, one being the shot of the match as he took a couple of strides down the pitch before unleashing an off drive that went to the rope like a tracer bullet. Kneller joined in on the act, too, hitting five fours in his unbeaten 25, but it was Ravenscroft who saw Guernsey over the line thanks to his sixth boundary as he finished on 31 from 21 balls.
Ross Kneller as Darth Vader ICC/CricketEurope